In his best-selling book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts, Gary Chapman defines love languages as the “five ways people speak and understand emotional love.” Take a look at the abbreviated definitions, and see if you can identify your love language.

Words of Affirmation: Words matter. This person treasures hearing, “I love you.” Honest compliments and praise mean a great deal, and insults or harsh words are taken to heart.

Quality Time: This person wants your undivided attention. The gift of your time is worth more than any material present you could give.

Receiving Gifts: From trinkets and flowers to diamond rings and season tickets, this person feels loved when you present them with a token of your affection.

Acts of Service: Doing household chores or helping out in the home office is, to this person, the equivalent of saying, “I adore you.”

Physical Touch: A gentle hand on the shoulder, a peck on the cheek, a warm embrace or simply sitting beside this person makes them feel loved.

Read more from Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages on