Turning genes on and off

Neurons are a bit like people: though they share some common features, they can vary greatly in appearance and function. Proteins called transcription factors determine how neurons look and act by turning genes in the cells on and off. Listen to a brief introduction...


This is not a case of “chiropractic cures polio”. This is a historical perspective on disease and prevention. During the 1900s there was a global decline in death rates from all major infectious disease (typhoid, smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, whooping...

Nervous System of the Fruit Fly

The nervous system of the fruit fly, magnified 40 times. There was a time when we thought genes controlled everything and that humans were genetically superior. Yet the human genome is estimated to have only 23,000 protein-encoding genes, while the minuscule fruit fly...

What everyone is supposed to know?

According to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), all elementary to middle school grades are supposed to understand the following concepts in the name of “science literacy”. I was actually dumbfounded by this report because if...